i have a feeling developers in US are rushing to get a new dupe app on the market

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I love the idea of reverting back to analog, but as someone who grew up in the analog era I don’t see it being anything more than a trend. Growing up in those times we craved for things digital and for the tech to just get better and more powerful.

All of the analog devices, media, etc have so much more “character” than what I feel is today’s “disposable” media on the social channels. The trouble with analog is the lack of speed by which information moves, its cost compared to digital media and that it isn’t creator friendly the way digital media is.

Unfortunately I think any reversal to analog will be a temporary trend and then people will become frustrated at the reasons I mentioned above. I’m not sure the Gen Y and later generations will have the patience to stay in analog for very long.

Enjoy the renaissance while it lasts though!

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I’m hoping for the mass exodus from social media, personally, but I literally thought to myself today how I should start using Pinterest more. I am considering using a VPN to keep tiktok though!

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